Spiritual Master
Srimad Bhagavatam
Austin, TX, USA
13 January 2023
sa tvaṁ jighāṁsase kasmād
dīnām akṛta-kilbiṣām
ahaniṣyat kathaṁ yoṣāṁ
dharma-jña iti yo mataḥ
saḥ — that very person; tvam — you; jighāṁsase — want to kill; kasmāt — why; dīnām — poor; akṛta — without having done; kilbiṣām — any sinful activities; ahaniṣyat — would kill; katham — how; yoṣām — a woman; dharma-jñaḥ — the knower of religious principles; iti — thus; yaḥ — one who; mataḥ — is considered.
The cow-shaped earth continued to appeal to the King: I am very poor and have not committed any sinful activities. I do not know why you want to kill me. Since you are supposed to be the knower of all religious principles, why are you so envious of me, and why are you so anxious to kill a woman?
The earth appealed to the King in two ways. A king who knows religious principles cannot kill anyone who has not committed sinful activities. Apart from this, a woman is not to be killed, even if she does commit some sinful activities. Since the earth was innocent and was also a woman, the King should not kill her.
vande ’haṁ śrī-guroḥ śrī-yuta-pada-
kamalaṁ śrī-gurūn vaiṣṇavāṁś ca
śrī-rūpaṁ sāgrajātaṁ saha-gaṇa-
raghunāthānvitaṁ taṁ sa-jīvam
sādvaitaṁ sāvadhūtaṁ parijana-
sahitaṁ kṛṣṇa-caitanya-devaṁ
śrī-rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pādān saha-gaṇa-
lalitā-śrī-viśākhānvitāṁś ca
nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine
namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe nirviśeṣa-śūnyavādi-pāścātya-deśa-tāriṇe
mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ
paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande
So there are actually some principles in the Vedic scriptures. The Vedic scriptures give us principles on how we should live. Unfortunately nowadays such principles are being ignored. It's all based on money, money, money, sweeter than honey. And therefore we are in a very much difficult situation. The whole planet, the earth is very polluted, so many sinful activities are going on, so much injustice, so much cruelty, so much pain and suffering unnecessarily being experienced because we are not putting Krishna or God in the center.
īśāvāsyam idaḿ sarvaṁ
yat kiñca jagatyāṁ jagat
tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā
mā gṛdhaḥ kasya svid dhanam
'Everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord. One should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, and one should not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong.'
If They don't acknowledge who is the actual owner, everybody is trying to be the owner. Everybody is being the lord of all life's survey. That's the problem. I'm trying to play God, you're trying to play God, and our circles overlap and clash. Within the family, the brothers and sisters, or the parents and the kids, between the husband and wife, in so many ways, between communities, between nations, it is going on conflict, conflict, conflict everywhere because we don't understand what is the center.
So we have to get back to the God-centered conception. That is the whole mission of the Krishna consciousness movement is to bring the whole human society back to the God-centered conception. Even the so-called religions, they are not putting God in the center. They are taking God as the order supplier. God give me this, give me, give me, give me. They are putting themselves as supreme and taking God as the order supplier. Give me this, give me that, give me, give me, give me. They have a big shopping list. So this is a very unfortunate position. Even the so called religionists are creating problems.
So we have to get back to pure bhakti, that's the essence, to get back to pure devotional service. Krishna is very kindly giving us this formula, how we can get back to pure devotional service.
man-mayā mām upāśritāḥ
bahavo jñāna-tapasā
pūtā mad-bhāvam āgatāḥ
'Being freed from attachment, fear and anger, being fully absorbed in Me and taking refuge in Me, many, many persons in the past became purified by knowledge of Me – and thus they all attained transcendental love for Me.'
We have to get back to this position. We have to become knowledgeable about Krishna or God. We have to understand what is the origin of everything. It's not coming out of a big explosion somewhere. There is actually a Supreme Person there who is manifesting everything from himself for his own pleasure and satisfaction. Krishna is God the supreme enjoyer. His purpose for existence, we say where did he come from? Where did God come from? God comes from God. It is not that we created God, God is manifesting himself by his own desire to exist. And that's why everything exists, because Krishna is there. Where did he come from?
Where did God come from? He didn't come from anywhere else, He is eternally manifesting, He is self manifesting. So He is manifesting there and He emanates from himself an infinite number of living entities so He can have an infinite number of loving relationships for His own pleasure and satisfaction. So that's why we exist as living entities, to loving service to God. That's why we exist, plain and simple. We exist for the sole purpose of giving loving, of pleasing God by giving Him loving service.
And in that mood, He gives us equal enjoyment. We actually, it's even said that one enjoys more than God. Because there is more pleasure in giving service than there is in accepting service actually in the transcendental platform. But instead of trying to enjoy either, the devotee actually enjoys greater than God. That's why Krishna becomes Lord Caitanya. He must taste that nectar which is experienced by his devotees. Because he sees these devotees are getting more nectar than I am. I am the supreme enjoyer and these devotees are enjoying more than Me? Now let me also taste that nectar. So Krishna becomes Lord Chaitanya so we can taste the nectar of being a devotee of Krishna, being a Hare Krishna. God wants to be a Hare Krishna also and becomes Lord Chaitanya. So we have to get out of this neophyte consciousness of trying to enjoy separately from God. We cannot enjoy separately from God. It is insanity to try to enjoy separately from God. We are so stubborn in our rebellion against the Lord, we keep trying to do it again and again and again. Trying to enjoy severalism in Krishna. Isn't it stupid? Isn't it assenine? Even though we know better, we still keep doing it. Still keep trying to enjoy separately from Krishna. Not by our suffering in so many ways. As neophytes, you know. Neophytes. We are suffering in neophyte consciousness because we are still trying to enjoy separately from Krishna. So it's time to kick it out, okay, okay enjoying separately mentaltiy, get out, get out, get out of my heart once and for all, get out, get out and never come back. This tendency to enjoy separately from Krishna, get out of my heart right now. I am telling you to get out or you get out and never come back again.
Let me always be simply in this mood of wanting to please give unlimited pleasure to Guru as an external manifestation of Krishna, to give unlimited pleasure to Guru and Krishna with my every thought, my every word, my every deed in all times, places and circumstances from now on for all of eternity.
We have to understand what is the actual mood of pure devotional service. We have to understand what is the attitude of someone who is a pure devotee. We have to see how I am lacking in that mentality And what I can do to correct my mentality.
yato yato niścalati
manaś cañcalam asthiram
tatas tato niyamyaitad
ātmany eva vaśaṁ nayet
'From wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady nature, one must certainly withdraw it and bring it back under the control of the Self.'
Okay mind, get back to the mood of pure devotional service you rascal. Why do you keep pulling me through this? My dear mind, you've cheated me for millions and millions of births, dragging me from one material body to another, trying to enjoy me as a cow, trying to enjoy as an elephant, trying to enjoy as an orangutan, trying to enjoy as a peacock, trying to enjoy as a mango tree, trying to enjoy as a mosquito. My dear mind, you have been cheating me long enough, dragging me From body to body to body, trying to enjoy in so many situations where the enjoyment does not exist. Enjoyment does not exist independently from service to Krishna. It does not exist. It is only an illusion. It is called maya-sukhaya, illusory happiness. So my dear mind,
bhajahū re mana śrī-nanda-nandana
abhaya-caraṇāravinda re
My dear mind, please come back now to devotional service to the divine son of Nandamaharaj. That's where you belong mind. You have no other place, no other place.
So we come back to that position, then we can be in bliss. Even on the material level we are suffering in so many ways. It's like I found out yesterday, I got a very horrible report from the epilepsy center yesterday about what's going on in my brain. And now I have horrible pain in my knee, I can't even offer a begging to God going through intense pain in my knee. But I was thinking, well, how do you relate with all this stuff going on in the interior plane? Well, I was thinking of Prabhupada on his death bed in Vrindavan. He was in complete bliss. His body was completely devastated. He's still alive but his body was a complete wreck. And he was just laying there. We've been to Prabhupada's room in Vrindavan and seen where he was lying. He was lying in that bed. You can see pictures of Prabhupada lying there in that bed. He's still lying, all the bodies that are surrounding him, they're having the kirtan, but his body is completely devastated. But he's in a state of pure bliss.
So we have to learn from Prabhupada's example. No matter what may be happening on the material plane, come hell or high water, you have to be transcendental to the whole thing. My happiness is not based on the external situation. Whether I'm healthy, whether I'm sick, whether I'm famous, whether I'm infamous, whether I'm wealthy, whether I'm poor, our happiness does not depend on these external things. Whether I'm being glorified or being chastised, whatever it may be, we have to learn where is my actual happiness? How do I actually come to that platform of transcendental bliss? Prabhupada, we learn from his example, he just takes shelter of Krishna. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare. My dear Lord, you may destroy this body, actually this thing can die any minute. Even coming down the stairs you can trip and fall down the stairs and die walking down the stairs. We are speaking of an automobile accident on Interstate 35 over here. Death can come at any time you see.
Let me just put myself in the hands of Krishna. My dear Lord, if you want me to die right now while I'm giving this Bhagavatam class, have a heart attack and drop dead in a minute. If you want me to die right now, that's fine. If you want me to live for a hundred more years, whatever, I put myself completely in your hands my lord, make me dance, make me dance, make me dance as you like. That's the movement. You say, ok Krishna, I'm your puppet, and you pull the strings. I put myself in your hands, I want to do everything for your pleasure and your satisfaction. You come to that mood and it doesn't matter, your body can be, you know, you may be dying from a heart attack or epilepsy or anything, it doesn't bother you, it's not me. It's just Krishna gave me this to use in his service and to the best of my ability may I use it in his service. And if he wants me to come back to his abode or he wants me to stay here for preaching Or do both at the same time like Prahlad Maharaj did? He was in both worlds simultaneously, we were reading the other day. He was both in the spiritual world and in the material world simultaneously doing both things. So you could actually go back to Godhead and at the same time be here preaching birth after birth and having your pastimes of Krishna in the spiritual world at the same time being preaching here and sparking up a spiritual revolution on this planet and this universe. But Why not the whole material existence? Why not think, let's make this whole planet Krishna conscious, this whole universe Krishna conscious and then why not the whole material world, every universe? Why not deliver all the living entities throughout the whole material existence back to Godhead? Why only take a few? Why only take 1 divided by… This universe is just 1 little mustard seed in a bag of mustard seeds. Why only this one universe? Why not deliver all the universes? Why not? Why not think about delivering every single conditioned soul in the entire material existence back to their original identity in the spiritual world. You think that desire would please the Lord if one is desiring like that? My dear Lord, please bless me so I can deliver all the living entities of suffering throughout the entire material existence back to your eternal abode.
I asked Prabhupada about my desire to become Jagadguru for one universe. And Prabhupada said, yes, spiritual desire. Desire to deliver all living entities in this universe. It's very nice, Prabhupada liked it very much, one Godbrother was very angry, he said, no more letters you eccentric nub. Actually he was just envious. He gets this amazing instruction from Prabhupada, he tells me I get a spiritual power to become Jagadguru. Wow. So it's a very exciting. So even if your body is falling apart, you are in a death bed, you can still think, alright, let me take another birth, my Lord. This body is now useless, doesn't work anymore, it's not functioning, but let me take another 1 and another 1 and another 1, as many as you want me to take, for delivering all the fallen souls from this material existence back to home, back to Godhead.
This spiritual world is an amazing place, a really amazing place. And all the pastimes are going on there, amazing pastimes of Krishna are happening there.
veṇuṁ kvaṇantam aravinda-dalāyatākṣam-
barhāvataṁsam asitāmbuda-sundarāṅgam
govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi
I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord. What is he adept at? Playing his flute. He's the most adept musician in all of existence. He's adept at playing on his flute with blooming eyes like lotus petals. Can you imagine having lotus petal eyes? Head, decked with a peacock's feather with a figure of beauty, tinged with a hue of blue clouds, and unique lovingness charming millions of cupids. Wow, what an amazing person. And you can be in a, you can, he's a supreme superstar. Makes all these other superstars look like nothing. Like I was a kid, the Beatles were the superstars. And there were other superstars, Bob Dylan and so many superstars. Simon and Garfunkel, so many. These people are nothing. Krishna is a supreme superstar. Amazing pastimes.
aṅgāni yasya sakalendriya-vṛtti-manti
paśyanti pānti kalayanti ciraṁ jaganti
govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi
'I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, whose transcendental form is full of bliss, truth, substantiality and is thus full of the most dazzling splendor. Each of the limbs of that transcendental figure possesses in Himself, the full-fledged functions of all the organs, and eternally sees, maintains and manifests the infinite universes, both spiritual and mundane.'
Krishna can see with his ears, he can hear with his eyes. You see we are limited. With my eyes I can only see, but Krishna's senses are telling, with his nose he can see, with his tongue he can hear. His senses are completely, there is no limit, He is unlimitedly cognizant of everyone in his senses. Can you imagine? He is an amazing person. Just imagine being an inmate associate of that person.
So I got an interesting question that came in and I'm going to go for it from Paramahamsa.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari (reads Paramhamsa Dasa's question from chatbox) : The argument could be that we say God has no origin and in the same way the atheists say the Big Bang has no origin. How to defeat that argument.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari (answers) : (Pauses) Show me an atheist, so the atheist says a big bang came out of it, it happened, there was no urge, an explosion happened, where can you, show me 1 example of an explosion that can happen by itself with nothing causing it? That's blind faith. The big bang happened without any cause, it's just on its own. That's just their blind faith, that's a dogma. You cannot produce an explosion out of nothing, There has to be a cause of the explosion. Stick of dynamite. Explosions don't happen, explosions have causes. They are not causeless. Show me 1 causeless explosion. No such thing. Every explosion has a cause. They may, because they want to defeat theism, they may argue, well there's an explosion without a cause. But that's simply dogma, blind faith. There's no practical answer to that. There's no scientific evidence to support this idea that an explosion can happen on its own with no cause. Krishna is the supreme cause as Brahmaji confirms.
īśvaraḥ paramaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ
anādir ādir govindaḥ
'Kṛṣṇa who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes.'
So Krishna is there. He is the origin of himself. Krishna, He has no origin. He is the origin of everything. (Phone rings in background) Let's see if that's any meaningful phone call.
Let's see if there's a question. (answers the call) Hare Krishna, do you have a question for the class? You have a question? We're in the middle of a class right now. If you're not attending the class, you can call back later. (cuts the call) .
So So, anybody have any questions? Yeah.
Devotee Mataji : Srila Gurudev you just mentioned that about relating to the pains of, not relating to the pains of body with the example of Prabhupada. He was completely blissful even though on the death bed.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : Yeah, he didn't. He was totally detached from the body, totally fixed in his spiritual identity.
Devotee Mataji : Is there something that can be done through mental adjustment in this realization? How does that happen?
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : Yeah, how do you get to that point where you are totally detached from all the hell you are going through with your body? Well, there are 9 different ways. Hearing the 9 aspects of bhakti, every 1 of them will help you do that. Hearing about Krishna, talking about Krishna, remembering Krishna, engaging in devotional service, all the 9 aspects of Raganuga Bhakti will bring you to that point of being totally detached from the pains and pleasures of your material body and totally in bliss in your spiritual identity. All 9 the process will. So take whatever works best for you.
Devotee Mataji : So it's not something you impose on your mind? It's not like...
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : It's already there within you. Self-realization is not an artificial imposition on the mind. Krishna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind. It's the natural awakening of the original entityof a living being. You already have that consciousness within you which is covered by the material nature. That's all. The sun is already there, the sun is already shining, but it's a cloudy day, you can't see the sun. So you have the clouds of illusion, which are now preventing you from actually tasting and experiencing them. So, just like the sun will burn away the clouds, so Krishna Himself will burn away all the illusions. So you have to associate with Krishna as much as possible, hearing about Krishna, talking about Krishna. Actually seeing here is Krishna Himself. That's not just a statue, that's Krishna himself. You have to look and see here is Krishna himself manifesting. These blunt material senses are actually seeing God himself. Even the way you see the deities, the way you train your mind when you see the deities can actually liberate you from this material existence. Just like deity Darshan, you become a liberated soul. I want to speak of cutting the vegetables, How can I please Krishna the way I cut this apple, the way I take the garbage out? How can I please my spiritual master? How can I please Krishna? Always in this mood of giving pleasure to Guru and Krishna. Always in that mood that will actually liberate us from our tendency to try to enjoy separately which is causing our miseries. Anything else? Yes.
Devotee Prabhuji : Srila Gurudev You mentioned about death, death can come at any time.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : That's correct.
Devotee Prabhuji : And especially you mentioned that it could be accidental like a car crash.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : Oh sure. But even that is the laws of karma. Even that is under the laws of karma.
Devotee Prabhuji : That is part of karma?
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : Somebody had a car wreck, it was their karma.
Devotee Prabhuji : What about in devotee's life, if this happens to a devotee who is already initiated practicing?
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : So the question is how much of the laws of karma act upon a devotee? And how much is this Krishna's arrangement?
Devotee Prabhuji : Especially this, because if we see in life of Srila Prabhupada and other devotees, they get a…
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : Prabhupada is totally beyond karma, it was Krishna's arrangement.
Devotee Prabhuji : So they get a very nice Krishna conscious, like a passing away. They leave in the association of devotees. But we hear some devotees they just met a car accident and they go.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : Yeah.
Devotee Prabhuji : So how to...
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : Determine that? Your level of Krishna consciousness has a big impact on how you leave your body. How much in your heart you are totally sold out to Guru and Krishna? That can have a big impact on how you leave your body. Krishna says, As much as they surrender to Me, I reward them accordingly.
ye yathā māṁ prapadyante
tāṁs tathaiva bhajāmy aham
So how much Krishna reciprocates. Krishna is very kind. If you take 1 step towards Krishna, He takes a hundred steps towards you. So we have to take as many steps as we can towards Krishna. My Lord, I totally give myself to you. Please let me get free from this tendency to try to enjoy separately. Please let me kick out all this foolishness, all this stupidity, all this false ego. Krishna, please help me. We should chant our japa in that mood. You see, begging Krishna, please free me from all this nonsense. It's keeping me entangled in the cycle of birth and death. Hare, Krishna, Hare, Krishna, you see what I'm saying? We have to intensify the, our begging Krishna to liberate us from this hellish nightmare of bodily consciousness. The more you become intensified, Krishna reciprocates with you. You can't just mechanically say, I'll get my rounds done. But no, we should take it. This is a great opportunity now to become directly connected with that Supreme Personality of God who is my eternal well-wishing friend. He is doing everything he can to get me back to the boat as soon as possible.
More questions coming in here. Question here.
Devotee Prabhuji : Srila Gurudev, regarding the argument against the atheists about the Big Bang having no origin, I was thinking they could make the same argument against us and say that show me 1 person that is the origin of himself or show me 1 person that does not have an origin.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : Krishna.
Devotee Prabhuji : They could say show me.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : They are showing you Krishna. They are showing you Krishna.
Devotee Prabhuji : So like for a scientist, this is...
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : You have to open your eyes. You want to experience that person who has no urge, we will teach you how to do that. You can meet him and actually see him face to face. We'll teach you how to do that if you'd like to learn. We'll teach you the art of how you can see him face to face. You can actually see how He's manifesting, you can actually directly experience how He's manifesting everything for himself right now and he has no origin. You can actually personally experience it if you're willing to take the training from us on how to do that.
Devotee Prabhuji : So Gurudev, from a scientist's perspective, this is based, to him this is blind faith because I don't know if there's a person named Krishna or not. I'm just blindly having faith in you that if I follow you, one day I'll see Him.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : Well, you're going to... I can tell you that if I tell you that H2O equals water, You can go to the laboratory and prove it, and confirm it's a fact. So I can also confirm, in the same way that I can take you to the lab and you can prove that H2O equals water, I will take you to the laboratory of spiritual enlightenment where you can actually directly experience God himself. Just like you can experience water, H2O equals water, you can also experience that Krishna is the origin of everything. In the same way, if you want to come to the lab and do the experiment according to my directions. But if you don't want to come to the lab, good luck.
You have to come to the lab. See when I was in high school, right, the teacher said students H2O equals water. Now they'll go down to the laboratory and we'll do it. And I did it. I tested. And I got low and behold I took 2 parts hydrogen, 2 parts hydrogen, H2O and 1 part iron and I got water. So if you want to come to the lab, if you don't want to come to the lab, good luck bud, but if you dont want to come to the lab it's your problem. If you want to, you're willing to come to laboratory, I will show you how you can directly experience God. You want to come to lab, you say, I don't want to come to lab, you know. That's your problem. But if you are willing to come to the laboratory I will show you, I can directly explain God himself. Is that alright?
Devotee Prabhuji : Yeah, but then, I mean, just being skeptical, thinking like a, you know, trying to think of...
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : You don't want to come to the lab, it's your problem. Yeah.
Devotee Prabhuji : But then he can say, show me one person who is seeing God face to face.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : Yeah, Srila Prabhupada.
Devotee Prabhuji : He's not, you know, he's not here now.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari : These books are here, you can experience, you can hear his lecture. I have hundreds of lectures, you can hear his lectures, you can read his books. You can meet people who are, you can meet his disciples also, who are personally trained by him. I was personally trained by him.
So let's see if we have any questions coming in here.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari (reads Preeti Manahas's question from chatbox) : Priti Manhas, I heard Srimati GuruMataji asked me to read but because of network issue I was not able to read. Anyway, tomorrow you can, tomorrow will be nice, Preeti you can do. From Gabriel from Lithuania.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari (reads Bhakta Gabriel's question from chatbox) :In the purport it is said that we can't kill a woman and that is very sinful. Why?
Sankarshan Das Adhikari (answers) : Actually you are not supposed to kill anybody. But women are especially meant to be protected. You see, they don't send women to the battlefield, it's about men fighting on the battlefield. Women are meant to be protected. They don't go out in the battlefield to fight. There's 2 nations that have a war, they don't send the women to the battlefield. Maybe nowadays sometimes they do it in the name of women's liberation. They send the women to be killed in the battlefield. They may be doing it now, but that's not traditionally the system. Traditionally only men went to the battlefield, the women were protected at home.
So anything else? We have a few minutes left. So let's take this process seriously and not waste our time trying to enjoy seperately from Krishna. That's our foolishness, we keep trying to enjoy seperately from Krishna. How idiotic can we be? He said that the Supreme Person is the source of all existence. His glory over triumphantly dominates the mundane world, but the activity is on pastimes. Why are we going somewhere else to find happiness? Isn't that stupid? We are Trying to go somewhere else for happiness. We're so idiotic we're trying to enjoy separately from Krishna. I am trying to enjoy the food without, I'm going to serve that stomach, he just sits there and he does that, the food. I'm doing all the work, picking up in the plate. I don't want to serve with the stomach, I'm just going to eat. We're like the hands, we're just trying to enjoy separately. So we have to get out of this ridiculous, asinine mentality of trying to enjoy separately from Krishna. And get back to being the constitutional enjoyers by giving pleasure to the supreme enjoyers. The more you please Krishna, the more you become pleased. So we have to get in the mood of, let me give unlimited pleasure to Krishna right now by my attitude, by my feelings, by my thoughts, by my words, by my activity. Let me give unlimited pleasure to Krishna by the way I give this Bhagavatam class. So I can see him directly face to face, eye to eye. I'm hankering for that day.
Prabhupada told me. I'm hankering, working on it. I know I'm getting there. I'm moving in that direction because I'm following Prabhupada's instructions. I can teach you how to go there and see it too, because you can do the same thing I'm doing. How to come to that point of becoming an absolute pure devotee, you can directly see God face to face, eye to eye. We have exalted devotees like Gurumataji here, also very very advanced Vaishnavi. She can guide us in so many ways, correct us in so many mistakes we make and bad attitudes we have. We are very blessed to have such an exalted Vaishnavi association. So we should take advantage of all this mercy we are getting here and become very absorbed and fixed up in practicing this Krishna consciousness process. Now we have Bhakta Sunil.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari (reads Bhakta Sunil's question from chatbox) :My experience of my bodily pains automatically go away in about 15 minutes.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari (answers) : That's pretty good. Some of us have bodily pains that go on 24 hours a day. So in addition to devotional activities, tolerance without getting disturbed is the key to success like going through bodily pains. Yeah, we have to tolerate it. That's true.
tṛṇād api su-nīcena
taror iva sahiṣṇunā
amāninā māna-dena
kīrtanīyaḥ sadā hariḥ
One should chant the holy names of the Lord in the humble state of mind, taking himself lower than the straw in the street, being ready to offer all respect to others without expecting any respect for himself. In this way 1 can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly. So bodily pains may be there, they may not be there, be detached from it. Pleasure and pain, you see, they are all just different manifestations of the material nature. Sukha-duhkha. What does Krishna say?
mātrā-sparśās tu kaunteya
āgamāpāyino ’nityās
tāṁs titikṣasva bhārata
O son of Kuntī, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.
So you're getting all kinds of pleasure, you're getting all kinds of pain, it's the same. Like I said summer and winter, what do you do here, We turn on the heat or the AC? It's hot we turn on the AC, it's cold we turn on the heat. So in the same way you have to turn on your mental air conditioning system to deal with it. If you're suffering, see it as Krishna's mercy to help remind you that you are not your material body. Especially when you feel some intense bodily pain, it is a special blessing from Krishna to help me convince that I am not this lump of flesh, this bag of stool and urine. It is not me. And when you have a lot of energy, you know, Krishna is giving me an opportunity to increase my devotional service. I feel very good, full of energy, now I can do something. Get out and distribute books, go out and open a new temple, you know, make a nice Aarti, make a nice offering, cook a nice offering to the Lord, take it in good shape, take it as a special blessing to increase your service. So take everything as Krishna's mercy, that's the key. Actually Krishna is giving unlimited mercy to each and every 1 of us at every minute. You realize you are getting unlimited mercy from Krishna right now? He is showing you unlimited mercy right here, right now, this very instant. We have to see how Krishna is giving us unlimited, we have to see everything that comes is the mercy of Krishna. Pain, pleasure, honor and dishonor, poverty and wealth, sickness and health, everything is the mercy of Krishna at every minute and that's the key. You see that as Krishna's mercy, Krishna's giving me unlimited mercy right now. Thank you my Lord. Krishna. Actually we can thank him. We say, my dear Lord Krishna, I thank you right now for blessing me with this unlimited mercy. Right now my dear Lord, in spite of all my defects, all my offenses, all the things I've done wrong over millions and millions of lifetimes, my dear Lord you give me unlimited blessings right here, right now. We have to learn how to appreciate Krishna. Rather than finding fault with him.
We have to see Prabhupada also, not just an ordinary person. Some ordinary person who read a lot of books and somehow attracted people because he had a saffron robe and shaved head and attracted so many hippies to become his disciples. We should not see, we should see Prabhupada as an empowered Acharya, a pure representative of the whole line of the disciplic section going back to thousands of years. Someone who perfectly reveals Krishna to us in his every word, in his every lecture, in his every kirtan. Krishna is manifesting pure love of Krishna in every word, in every thought, in every deed, in all time, places and circumstances. By connecting with him we can connect with Krishna. We have to beat your mind with shoes. We have to see the rascal, the nonsense going on in the mind. Okay mind, kick it out. Kick out the lust, the anger, the greed, the madness, the illusion in me. Kick it out with boot. Get out of here you damn rascals. Mr. Love, Mr. Anger, Mr. Greed, Mr. Madness, get out of my consciousness. I want pure devotional service to Krishna, nothing else, from now on for all of eternity. This is why we have that determination to kick out all this garbage and flush the toilet, get it all gone, get it out all of the stool in here and in my conscience. I want to have loving, pure love for Krishna fully manifested in my heart. Other ones come in here, let's see here. Leela Manjari Devi Dasi.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari (reads Leela Manjari Devi Dasi's question from chatbox) : If one hasn't come to meditative 24-7 mood, is 1 still making some progress or bhakti has become stagnant.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari (answers) : The 24-7 fully absorbing Krishna consciousness is a very advanced position. Right now maybe I am half way there. Half of the time I am Krishna conscious, half of the time I am not. Let me go to 51% Krishna conscious and only 49%. The point is, if you are endeavouring to awaken, if everyday you are endeavouring, my dear Lord please bless me that today I can awaken pure love of God within my heart. Every day you have determination, you are going to make progress every day. You keep begging Krishna for pure bhakti and chanting your japa in the mood of begging for pure bhakti, you are going to make progress with every bead. With every bead.
Leela Manjari we have been here thousands and millions of lifetimes trying to enjoy separately from Krishna. So we have this deep rooted tendency to try to enjoy separately. It is not easy to completely in 1 swoop get rid of it. No. You've got to keep working it little by little by little by little by little by little gradually gradually gradually slowly slowly. I've been doing this process for over half a century. Now definitely far beyond where I was when I started, but I still have a ways to go. Prabhupada actually said, he actually said in the Purport, If 1 chants the holy name purely without offense, he becomes Jagad Guru and as an influence the whole world becomes Krishna conscious. So I can see that I'm not there yet because the whole world is not Krishna conscious. Right there in that purport. So I know the fact that there are so many slaughterhouses, so many abortion clinics and so much nonsense going on. I know, I mean, tell me I have a way to go in my own spiritual life Because when I become that level of absolute purity, then I'll have a much more powerful impact on the world around me than I do now.
So I very much like that prayer, the way Prabhupada translates it, bahir nrisimho hridaye nrisimho, May Lord Nisringa, sitting within my heart, killing all my bad propensities, so my mind becomes completely clean, bringing peace to the entire world. I'm very much attracted to that translation of bahir nrisimho hridaye nrisimho . Let me totally Narsinghatise what's going on in here, totally Narsinghatise what's happening about the whole material existence. So I like meditating in that way. I know what my goal is. My goal is a spiritual revolution here and a spiritual revolution throughout all material existence. That's my goal. bahir nrisimho bahir nrisimho bahir nrisimho that's my goal. I want to see this whole world, the whole material world becomes Krishna conscious.
Okay, another one's come in. Let's see here.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari (reads Sharda Devi Dasi's question from chatbox) : What will make my services perfect? What does it depend on?
Sankarshan Das (answers) : Attitude or gratitude is a nice way to look at it, Sharda Devadasi. You have to have an attitude of gratitude for everything that's coming to you at every minute. And then you'll serve and your service will be an expression of appreciation for how you are being unlimitedly blessed by Lord Krishna at every minute. The attitude of gratitude. Well anything else? Yes, I saw your hand first.
Devotee : Sir, just then while you were saying about bahir nrisimho hridaye nrisimho...
Sankarshan Das : About what?
Devotee : The Nrishma prayer.
Sankarshan Das : Yeah.
Devotee : Yeah. So just then I got a question that is there any significance that bahir is put first and then hridaye Narsimha second. The Bahir Narsimha starts with Bahir outside and then the next sentence comes hridaye Narsimha.
Sankarshan Das : bahir nrisimho hridaye nrisimho, Narsingh is out and Narsingh is in.
Devotee : Is there any significance of the way it is created?
Sankarshan Das : Why does it say Bahir externally and then internally next? Who composed the prayer?
Devotee : Jaya Dev Goswami.
Sankarshan Das : You can ask him. When you become a pure devotee you can meet him and ask him why he put me here. I don't know. But to me it doesn't matter because actually it's both things simultaneously. Either way it doesn't matter because it is both simultaneously. The more you are awakened within, the more you are uplifted within, the more you have an unbending impact on the world around you. It is simultaneous. If you have pure bhakti within your heart, you have an instantaneous impact on the world around you, instantaneously. It is simultaneous.
Okay, now we have Hare Krishna dasa.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari (reads Hare Krishna Dasa's question from chatbox) : Attitude of gratitude means always thanking Krishna for the particular situation He arranges. That's certainly part of it. There's unlimited things to be grateful for. Grateful that I have a bona fide spiritual master, grateful that I have all these books, grateful that I have prasadam, grateful that I have deities. There's so many things to be grateful for. But certainly being grateful for a particular situation I am in right now, that is also a part of it.
Devotee : So Gurudev, how does 1 look at one's own shortcomings or defects?
Sankarshan Das : With a very scrutinizing eye. It's like a doctor, he has to see what's wrong so he can cure you. So you should take help also from senior devotees and spiritual master and advanced devotees like GuruMataji. You should take help as much as possible to see what your faults are. Take this special blessing. Very discriminating eye. Let me take a very close look at all my anarthas. The more you are conscious of your anarthas, the more you will be in a position to get rid of them also. So it's good to be very conscious of your anarthas.
Devotee : So Gurudev since we are just saying that everything is the mercy of Krishna. So what if 1 starts to think that my anarthas are also there because of mercy?
Sankarshan Das : (laughs) It's like Krishna's mercy that I'm eating hamburger. Actually its Krishna's mercy, he said, you want to eat hamburger? Okay, go ahead. That's his kindness. If you want to be a rascal, Krishna gives you the facility to be a rascal. That's his kindness. It's like the child who wants to act independently from the parents, the parents say, okay, go ahead and try it. If you want to try to act independently, you can be more happy, go ahead, get it out of your system. If you realize what a fool you were, you are welcome to come back. Even all this nonsense is Krishna's mercy is given to the civilized to try to enjoy independently so they can ultimately realize there is no enjoyment in enjoying seperately from Krishna. Does that help to answer your question? Or not?
Devotee : Yes, yes. So my anarthas are there because of me acting independently.
Sankarshan Das : Krishna says because you had a desire to enjoy independently, go ahead and give it a try and see what happens. You can finally realize how ridiculous it is to try to do that. Krishna giving you the facility to try to enjoy separately so you can realize how stupid it is to try to do that. Isn't it? It's all because of Krishna's mercy. It's Krishna's mercy that they let us have this whole rascal civilization. That's also his mercy. You want to enjoy seperately, you can give it a shot. You can probably come to realize what a stupid fool you were trying to do that.
Anything else? Or is that it? You ready to revolutionize your heart and revolutionize the whole world? Are you ready to make your commitment now, say I must revolutionize my heart and I must revolutionize the world. In order for Prabhupada to deliver the world, in order for his followers, we are supposed to deliver the whole world. In that beginning, we begin with ourself. The more we live with ourselves, the more we are empowered to deliver the world. So are you ready to deliver yourself and deliver the whole world? Will you make that commitment? To live with yourself and to live with the world? To live your life from making yourself a pure devotee, to see Krishna face to face, putting a stop to all the nonsense on this planet, making everyone Krishna conscious. That's Lord Chaitnaya's order, to make everyone Krishna conscious.
yāre dekha, tāre kaha ‘kṛṣṇa’-upadeśa
āmāra ājñāya guru hañā tāra’ ei deśa
Wherever you meet, instructing the teachings in Kṛṣṇa. Even when I go to these doctors, I make them say Hare Kṛṣṇa. Everyone I talk to here says, I make them say Hare Kṛṣṇa. So they get the blessings.
So we will stop here. We thank everybody for tuning in. So do it every day. Everyone now purify your heart and dedicate your life for making the whole world Krishna conscious. Thank you very much for tuning in.
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare,
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.