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Srimad Bhagavatam




Austin, TX, USA

20 February 2023

00:00 / 01:04

Sankarshan Das:Srimad Bagavatham 4.18.29.

curnayan sva-dhanus-kotya

giri-kutani raja-rat

bhu-mandalam idam vainyah

prayas cakre samam vibhuh

curnayan – making into pieces; sva – his own; dhanuh-kotya – by the power of his bow; giri – of the hills; kutani – the tops; raja-rat– the emperor; bhu-mandalam – the whole earth; idam – this; vainyah – the son of Vena; prayah – almost; cakre – made; samam– level; vibhuh – the powerful.

Sankarshan Das:Translation and Purport by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Tridandi Goswami Maharaj, Prabhupada.

Translation: After this, the king of all kings, Maharaj Prthu, leveled all rough places on the surface of the globe by breaking up the hills with the strength of his bow. By his grace the surface of the globe almost became flat.

Purport:  Generally, the mountainous and hilly portions of the earth are made flat by the striking of thunderbolts. Generally, this is the business of King Indra of the heavenly planets, but King Prthu, an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, did not wait for the King Indra to break up the hills and mountains, but he did so himself by using his strong bow. (End of Purport)

Vande ham sri-guroh sri-yuta-pada-kamalam sri-gurun vaishnavams ca sri-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana-raghunathanvitam tam sa jivam sadvaitam savadhutam parijana–sahitam krishna-caitanya-devam sri-radha-krishna-padan saha-gana-lalita-sri-visakhanvitams ca

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine


mukam karoti vacalam

pangum langhayate girim

yat-kripa tam aham vande

sri-gurum dina-taranam

Sankarshan Das:  So just see the previous day the kings had such power they could even level the earth to make it more suitable for growing crops. Such power the kings formerly had. Now the kings, the presidents, they have no power at all. In fact, they have no power at all. Because they are not worthy of having power actually. If they had it, they wouldn't know what to do with it. The present-day leaders are rascals, rogues and rascals. What is that verse in the Bhagavatam?


saṁstutaḥ puruṣaḥ paśuḥ

na yat-karṇa-pathopeto

jātu nāma gadāgrajaḥ

SB 2.3.19

The men who are like dogs, hogs, camels and asses, praise those men who do not listen to the transcendental pastimes of Lord Sri Krishna, deliver from all evils. So, the modern-day leaders are simply in that category, dogs, hogs, camels and asses and the people go to vote, even, what is the symbol of The Republicans are the elephants, right? And the Democrats are the asses, isn't it? They go to vote for a big elephant or a big ass. What kind of government can you expect? Common people don't know who to vote for and there is nobody decent to vote for anyway. So, there is a great need for spiritual leadership on this planet. In the Vedic culture there were four divisions. You had the Brahmins, the priestly class, the spiritual teachers, you had the ksatriya, the political rulers and the warriors, you had the vaisya, the farmers and the businessmen, you had the general class, the employee class, the worker class, the sudras. So now the so-called Brahmins, the college professors, the priests, the rabbi, (4.56) the ministers, they are all rogues and rascals, engaging in all kinds of sinful activities, eating meat, smoking cigarettes, etc. etc. etc. The priestly class is not the bona fide priestly class. And the administrative class, All the classes are completely, the whole thing is run amok. You don't have proper priestly class, you don't have proper administrative class, the businessmen, the farmers, in the Vedic culture the farmers protected the cows. They gave all protection; the cow is our mother. When our first mother stops giving us her breast milk, the second mother gives us her breast milk. So how can you kill your own mother? It's such a demonic culture, they're killing the mother, the cow. We take advantage of her breast milk, we have so many things, milk, yogurt, ice cream, we have so many nice things, whipped cream, so many things we take advantage of the cow. How we can kill such a gentle animal that doesn't harm anybody. He just eats grass. He's trying to eat grass that you cannot eat and those delicious wonderful foodstuffs. You want to kill her? What kind of culture is this? Cow killing culture. So, we don't have the proper business manner of engaging in making money with liquor and cigarettes and so many things, so many businessmen selling meat, cow meat. So, the whole thing is run amok. So, the Krishna Conscious movement is meant for creating that priestly class, the medical class who can actually give guidance. Prabhupada said he especially came to America because America is the leading country in the world. He wanted America to actually take the lead. He wanted America to become Krishna conscious and lead the whole world out of chaos back into the Vedic culture. That was Prabhupada's idea. America should become the real leader. But they are not the real leader, they are bogus leaders. He wanted America to become the real leader. That's why he came here and started his movement. This is the leading country in the world. If I can make them Krishna conscious, then they can lead the whole world in Krishna consciousness. So here we are in America. Prabhupada told us to become the leaders. So, we have to become proper Brahmins. We have to become fixed up in the brahmanical culture. Brahmins are described in the Bhagavad Gita as

samo damas tapah saucam

ksantir arjavam eva ca

jnanam vijnanam astikyam

brahma-karma svabhava-jam 

Peacefulness, damah, self-control, austerity, these are the qualities. They have theoretical knowledge; they have practical application of knowledge. So, we should become the actual Brahmin class. So, we can do our duty to lead this country out of chaos and lead the whole world out of chaos. So, we follow Prabhupada's guidance, follow Prabhupada's teachings, strictly follow what Prabhupada is telling us here in these wonderful, wonderful books and his wonderful, wonderful lectures. We have the Veda base loaded with his correspondence, his lectures, his conversations. We have so much opportunity to associate with Prabhupada even though he's physically gone. We have so much opportunity to associate with him. Even when he's here, how many people were on the morning walks, you hear the conversation, but We'd hear the recording. We'd get the cassette tape. In those days we didn't have MP3, we had cassettes. So, they'd make cassette recordings of all those morning walks. And everybody would be very eager. Oh, a morning walk conversation with Prabhupada. It was like they'd get a Prabhupada tape, like the greatest jewel, the greatest treasure.. aah Prabhupada tape aah. And then you hear a Prabhupada by how he speaks, how he deceives all the rascal arguments of the atheists and the scientists to establish the authenticity of the Vedic culture, the authenticity of the Vedic teachings. It is very important we understand these teachings very well. We can see all the opposing arguments. So, we can actually establish Krishna consciousness as the leading science. They say science, well you know, H2O equals water, that's science. We accept H2O equals water. But now there is a higher science, Jivera svarupa hoi krsnera nitya das. The constitutional position of a living entity is he is the eternal servant of Krishna. If we come back to our constitutional position, then we actually become liberated from the cycle of birth and death. Right now, this material existence is the prison house of God's creation. Love is voluntary. I can't put a guy, you say love me, I'll blow your brain. Love is voluntary. So, Krishna gives us this, Love Me or leave Me. If you want to Love Me in the spiritual world, you're welcome. You can have a loving relationship. I'll love you in return. We'll have a reciprocal loving relationship. If you're not happy, accepting Me as your superior, as your supreme, and you'd rather be the supreme yourself, alright, I'll give you wherever you can think you're the supreme. Everybody here thinks they're the supreme, even the dog next to him thinks he's the supreme. You walk in the back yard and he starts barking, what are you doing in my turf? Woof, woof, woof. Even the dog thinks he's the supreme.  So, everybody here thinks they're the supreme. And because of that we're caught up in this cycle of birth and death going through eight million four-hundred thousand species again and again and again looping the loop. The thousands and millions and billions and trillions and quadrillions of lifetimes are looping the loop. And this is going through these eight million four-hundred thousand species. But Krishna is very kind. He must deliver us.

yada yada hi dharmasya

glanir bhavati bharata

abhyutthanam adharmasya

tadatmanam srjamy aham 

Whenever and wherever, there is a decline in religious practice and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself. So, Krishna very kindly comes. The things that really went amok as they are right now, there are actually four yugas. The satya yuga is very pious and then the treta yuga comes and becomes 75% pious, the dvapra yuga 50% pious and the kali yuga 25% pious, 25, 24, 23, 22 going down, down, down. So, this kali yuga, Krishna comes just before the beginning of the kali yuga, he comes to establish the teachings of Bhagavad Gita and special mercy, He comes in the middle of kali yuga. 4,500 years into the kali yuga He comes as Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to give us this very simple process. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare. Now they do great austerities, dances and austerities. Going to the Himalayas doing all kinds of austerities in the freezing cold, doing yogic pranayama and yogic postures in the freezing cold, the Himalayas, to gradually become on a higher platform of consciousness. Or not yet to follow the pathway of the jnanis to deny all varieties, deny everything in the material world, deny, deny, neti neti, the absolute truth is not this, keep negating everything, negating going on for thousands and millions of lifetimes so you can finally merge into the oneness and then fall down again because it's not a permanent position. Instead of going through all these great difficult pathways of yoga or jnana, simply by bhakti, chanting Hare Krishna mantra, one can awaken one's original divine consciousness. That original divine consciousness is actually sitting right there within the heart. Actually, you are already a liberated soul but because you are misidentifying with your material body and your material mind therefore you are suffering in the cycle of birth and death. So, one simply has to reaffirm his transcendental identity I am a spirit soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of God, and qualitatively one with Him, and quantitatively different. Just like the ocean and the drop of the ocean water. The drop of ocean water is qualitatively one to the ocean. The same chemical composition in the drop as you find in the entire ocean. What about quantity though? Quantitatively there's a gulf of difference between the drop and the entire ocean. You can float a battleship on the ocean but not a drop, you got it. So, we are qualitatively one and quantitatively different from that Supreme Person. So, you need to get back into a harmonious loving relationship with that Supreme Person. That's what the whole Bhagavad Gita is for. This is our owner's manual of the human form of life. How to properly utilize the human life in such a way that no more birth and death in the material existence. Going back to your original home in the spiritual sky. We need to take these instructions very seriously. There's no reason to suffer in this material existence. We have to become enlightened now. What is that verse? jnanena… jnanam. What is that verse? jnanam tesam…. One is enlightened with this Transcendental knowledge. What happened to my Bhagavat Gita? It didn't come back? Why is it left in the temple? It's not here. It's not in the box. Oh yeah, it's hiding. It was standing up instead of being flat. Look at that nice verse. Very nice, 5.16. Yeah, very wonderful verse, 5.16.

jnanena tu tad ajnanam

yesam nasitam atmanah

tesam aditya-vaj jnanam

prakasayati tat param 

When however, one is enlightened with the knowledge of which nescience is destroyed, then his knowledge reveals everything, the sun lights up everything in the daytime. So, when you become Krishna conscious everything becomes illuminated. Everything becomes illuminated. You see everything as it is. Right now, in the darkness of ignorance we can't see things as they actually are. Because we are in the darkness of ignorance. When that Krishna sun rises in the heart, everything becomes illuminated. One understands one's actual identity as a spiritual being. You see actually every one else are also spiritual beings who are misidentifying with the material body. And we see the whole civilization based on this false conception of the body is a very chaotic situation. It is a very, very chaotic situation on this planet right now because they are not Krishna conscious. Because they are thinking I am the Lord of all I survey. But now, Krishna is saying,

bhoktaram yajna-tapasam


suhrdam sarva-bhutanam

jnatva mam santim rcchati 

one who knows Me is the owner of everything and therefore the enjoyer of everything and is the most intimate, well-wishing friend of all living beings, he attains peace from the pangs of material misery. So, it's not difficult to get out of the material misery. Simply you have to understand who is the real owner here. Who owns all this? You own all this property here in Austin. Everybody is thinking it is my property, my property. No, this is Krishna's property. Everything is Krishna's property. Why? Because it is emanating from Him. This material world is emanating from Mahavishnu, an expansion of Krishna. So, everything here is the property of the Supreme Lord and therefore meant to be used in His service. So, the bonafide spiritual master teaches us the art of how to utilize everything in the service of the Supreme and thus regain our original divine consciousness, our Krishna consciousness. So why should we punish ourselves trying to enjoy separately from Krishna? Does it make any sense? What are we masochists or something? Punishing ourselves by trying to enjoy separately from Krishna. The hand thinks I don't want to feed that stomach, he just sits there and doesn't do any work. Here I am working so hard, moving my fingers this way and that way, taking the spoon and cutting the, you know, doing so much work. The hand is, the stomach just sits there and enjoys it. I'm gonna stop feeding that rascal's stomach. I'm going on strike. All the bodily parts, the hands, the mouth, all the parts of the body that work to feed the stomach. Now we're going on strike. We have our picket sign. Don't feed the stomach. Don't feed the stomach. The stomach is a fascist pig. Don't feed the stomach. That would be a big demonstration, you know. Well, the first day was going with great enthusiasm, but the second day they were losing their energy. The third day, I think we had a meeting of the political party. I think we had another meeting. I think we had to feed the stomach because we had no energy without feeding the stomach. So, Krishna is like the stomach and we are like the bodily parts. We try to enjoy separately and the result is chaos, chaotic situation. Look at all the chaos happening here in Austin right now, or in Texas or in the United States. We just found that there's 60 mass shootings so far this year. 60, can you imagine? 60 mass shootings so far this year. Probably a higher number, that was a week ago.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: It's only the second month.

Sankarshan Das: Yeah, we're in the second month, there's already, that's more than one a day on the average. Mass shootings. I'll show you how frustrated, how miserable people are. They take a gun and they go to public places and go, (shoot … shoot.. shoot). There's a little gratification, now I'm God. They get to be God for a few minutes until the police close them. A few minutes and they think they're God, I'm the Lord. Actually, the first famous fast shooting was the Tower Sniper many years ago back in, must have been in the 60s. Some guy went to the University of Texas Tower with a rifle, saw about 30 or 40 people dead all over the campus. The tower sniper. So then what kind of craziness is this? People are so miserable they just take a gun and start shooting. A little gratification.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: They lose their mercy because they eat flesh.

Sankarshan Das: Huh?

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji:  Because they eat flesh, so they don't have any mercy.

Sankarshan Das: Yeah. One who was raised on eating slaughtered animals will not have the tendency to be compassionate because they are eating violence. The little kids are growing up eating hamburger meat. They go to McDonald's on Sunday after church, McDonald's hamburger so they are raised on violence. So, the tendency to be compassionate is not there. It's killed by eating all these murdered animals.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: And also, when they are watching the television or phone, whatever they are watching, it's also saying violence.

Sankarshan Das: Yeah.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: So exciting. This is how you cheat.

Sankarshan Das: Because they are associating with violence. The whole culture is going on in violence. So, their tendency to be violent. It's not surprising. When they're murdering millions of innocent babies in the womb by abortion, and considering it legally, legally murdering millions of human beings, legally, then where's the tendency to be compassionate? They're totally killed by the violent baby killing, cow killing culture. So, this Krishna Consciousness movement offers a real solution. At least we can get out of the madness. We can convince them, at least we can get out of the madness. But our mission is to convince them. That's why we have book distribution, Harinaam sankirtans, public programs. We want everyone to come and become Krishna conscious. That's our mission, to make the whole world Krishna conscious. So, the more we become Krishna conscious the more we will have the power to attract them also. That's the beauty of chanting japa. By chanting japa you purify your own consciousness and you become, you purify yourself more and more and more you become more and more empowered to give Krishna consciousness to others. That is the order of Lord Chaitanya. pṛthivīte āche yata nagarādi-grāma sarvatra pracāra haibe mora nāma. Whomever you meet, instruct them in the teachings of Krishna and this is My order, you become a guru and deliver the people of this world. So, we have a mission given by Lord Chaitanya to become gurus and deliver the world. So that's why our hearing these classes is very important, my chanting our japa is very important, having darshan of the deity, taking prasadam, all these things add up to make us more and more purified and more and more empowered to share Krishna consciousness with others and deliver them from their suffering condition.

Anybody have any questions so far? No audio. Oh no. There's no audio? Nobody's hearing me? Oh, there you are. Are you hearing me? Oh, good. It's on now. Good.

Hare Krishna Das:Kindly enlighten. If more people's diet becomes prasadam, does it affect meat-eating population, develop some...

Sankarshan Das: If prasadam becomes more and more popular, it will have a good impact on the meat-eating culture because people started hearing about it. Oh, I went to that Sunday love feast at the temple and wow the word will spread. The more prasadam becomes popular and will help to curb the meat eating. This is a higher taste, you, see? Higher taste.

Vishnurata Das: Srila Gurudev, is it only persons who perform activities in Krishna consciousness who are actually taught to become Brahmins? Even if one is situated in the mode of goodness and devotee of a demigod.

Sankarshan Das: So, you have the Brahmin class in India. The idea is going on that they take it by birth, which is not right. It is not by, Krishna says, guna karma, Not Janma Karma. By one's qualities and activities, when it is understood, when his social position is understood. Not by one's birth. They take it as self-birth thing. I am born a Brahmin so I am a Brahmin. No. No. The question is, if they are worshipping the demigod, taking the demigod as the Supreme, are they actually a Brahmin? That's the question. A Brahmin means one who knows the absolute truth. Brahman is the absolute truth. And when he knows the absolute truth, he is a Brahmin. He may have some brahminical qualities of self-control and rising early and taking baths. He may have some brahminical qualities, but he is not really fully a Brahmin. He doesn't know that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead because he doesn't know the absolute truth. He's been misled to think that some demigod is the Supreme. Gabriel from Lithuania.

Gabriel: Hare Krishna Srila Gurudev. If the rulers of the world or country is Krishna representative, why Krishna let's kill the cows.

Sankarshan Das:Krishna conscious will not allow cow killing. Any will that allows cow killing is not Krishna conscious. Krishna conscious would definitely put a stop to cow killing if he had the power to do it.

Any questions from the locals? Yes.

Local Devotee: Gurudev, when you mentioned, I mean a lot of the times we talk about how terrible or how bad it is.

Sankarshan Das:  About what? How terrible it is?

Local Devotee: How terrible being here in the material world is. And a lot of times that comes out when we are talking about Krishna consciousness to others. So how can we do that without sounding pessimistic?

Sankarshan Das: I think. Well, you could just tell them, are you looking for enjoyment? You want supreme enjoyment. So, I understand you have happiness, but your happiness is only temporary, it comes and goes, isn't it? So, here's the way you're going to have permanent happiness that's ever increasing. It's like death is coming, are you happy about getting old and dying? I understand you have happiness, but that happiness is only temporary, you understand? But here is permanent, here is happiness is permanent, it is never interrupted by anything. That's the difference. This is a better, this is a better type of happiness. And in America everybody likes the best thing, the best car, the best smart phone, everybody wants the best thing. What's the best quality thing? That's very popular. What is the best thing? Where is the best restaurant? Where is the best this? Well, this is the best happiness because it does not mix with unhappiness. Now more questions rolling in.

Nisha Roy: Sometimes my mind becomes lost in this materialistic world. How can I always remember Krishna along with daily duties?

Sankarshan Das: This should arise if you arise every morning and take as your first business to chant at least 16 rounds of japa, that will put you on a very good track for the whole day. 16 rounds of japa. It is the first duty in the day. Before you take breakfast, 16 rounds of japa. That will put you on a very strong track to be Krishna conscious in every situation.

Adetti:  Hare Krishna. Srila Gurudev. Dandavat Pranam. The sinful activities that we do are done by the soul of this material body.

Sankarshan Das: You can't blame your body. It's the soul. You can't say, well I didn't have illicit sex, the body did it. Now the soul by misuse of his free will is engaged in sinful activities, engaging his body in sinful activities. The mind can also engage in sinful activities, meditating on porno for example. Gabriel from Lithuania.

Gabriel: Oh, I thought that any ruler of the country or world is representative because no one can say anything to the ruler, basically.

Paramahamsa Das:  Hare Krishna Srila Gurudev, what does it mean to be pessimistic about the material world?

Sankarshan Das: It means you have good vision. You have a very clear vision. This material world is a losing proposition. But we can transcendentalize it. We can make this material world as good as the spiritual world as it was formerly during the reign of these great Vaishnava kings, we can make it as good as the spiritual world by engaging everything in Krishna's service.

Pancatattva Das:  Hare Krishna, Srila Gurudev, kindly enlighten. When a Brahmin knows that Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, purposely tells that Durga is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as he likes Durga. One of my senior family members misguides everyone who comes in his contact on how to understand this.

Sankarshan Das: How can he know that Krishna is Supreme and say that Durga is the Supreme? That's contradictory.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: What?

Sankarshan Das: He says, when a Brahmin knows that Lord Krishna is a Supreme Personality of Godhead, but purposely tells that Durga is a Supreme Personality of Godhead, is he like Durga?

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: Who is he?

Sankarshan Das:Panchattatva Das. Who is that? One of my senior family members misguides everyone who comes in his contact. So how to understand this? He's a fool. That's how to understand this.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: Family member biological or...

Sankarshan Das: What kind of family member?

Panchattatva Das:  Biological.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: Biological? So, tell me what is Durga Devi saying?

Sankarshan Das: What is that verse?

Panchatattva Das: I told him regarding this but he is not ready to accept. He told Durga is the only Supreme Personality of God. He knows that Krishna is the only Supreme Personality of God but he really misguides everyone there.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: What did he say?

Sankarshan Das: I could not hear him.

Local Devotee: He said he has tried explaining but they are not...

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: No, no, no don't explain ask them questions you don't explain to anybody ask them.

Sankarshan Das:  What should he ask him?

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: Ask them what is Durga Devi saying about herself. Then Kamsa tried to split her on the rock when she was a baby. Then Kamsa tried to split her on the rock, what she did. And what she said to Kamsa. You inquire, you can ask her. By asking questions, you can defeat whoever it is. Ask him or her. That's how you defeat anybody. Ask them questions and see how much they know about it. Don't try to explain to anybody, just ask them questions.

Sankarshan Das: It’s that what Panchattatva. By inquiry you can get him.

Any other questions? Yes.

Local Devotee: So, it's about King Prthu. So, I heard he was like, he is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But like, I heard he was a Jiva soul, is that correct?

Sankarshan Das: Who?

Another Local Devotee: King Prithu. You're saying so King Prithu, he's an incarnation of God, but at the same time he's a Jiva soul.

Local Devotee: How is that? Could you explain how that works, if that is correct?

Sankarshan Das:  Devi, do you have the answer to that?

Another Local Devotee: I think he is asking what is a Saktyavesa.

Sankarshan Das: A Saktyavesa, one can be a living entity but especially empowered by Krishna. By special empowerment by Krishna to act on His behalf. Saktyavesa avatar. Not that he is Krishna, but he is empowered by Krishna to act in a very powerful, very wonderful way. Saktyavesa avatar. The Prabhupada say about that, I think there is some quote to look it up. They put it in the talk of the dead.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: Yes, given the power of a child to do that thing, means nobody can do it.

Sankarshan Das: Okay, Panchattatva. Okay. Anything else?

Local Devotee: It's called Saktyaves.

Sankarshan Das: Shakti avesh. Shakti avesh. Saktyavesa avatar. It's called Manu. Living entities are specially empowered by Krishna and act wonderfully on His behalf.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: Just like with some, by example you can understand things. Just like policeman is empowered as a government. He has all right to stop you when you do something wrong. It's not that the president will come. Understand? That is how the structure of his posture acts. Magnetical.

Sankarshan Das:  Yeah, it's a good example. Not that he is a government, he is a citizen like you. But in the position where he acts as he is good as a government, policeman is as good as a government. So, the Jiva, so not that he is Krishna, but he is as good as Krishna in one sense. He is acting on behalf of Krishna. Anything else?

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: Prabhupada has been established also to spread Krishna consciousness throughout the world in very short time. In short time as only twelve years. Ok.

Sankarshan Das:  Yes, amazing what he did in 12 years.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: From east to west, north to south. Even the one Chinese even.

Sankarshan Das: Thousands and thousands of the devotees.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: Russians, who are trying to fight with all the countries to be popular. They will be spread within three days in Russia. Very empowered.

Sankarshan Das:  Anything else?

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: Government didn't even let him go out. He had to stay in the one hotel room but by krishna’s mercy because he was empowered, he just transformed one person in three days. And then a whole revolution began. See? That's how he's empowering.

Sankarshan Das:  Yeah.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: They can do extraordinary activities. Ok. You can become empowered by….

Sankarshan Das: You can become Saktyavesa avatar.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: I think he can become an empowered person if he takes to Krishna consciousness seriously and Lord Chaitanya's mercy will be so in you so you can transform many people into Krishna conscious. Wanna do that?

Local Devotee:  I would love to do that.

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji:  Okay. Become fixed in Krishna conscious and get the empowerment from Lord Caitanya.

Sankarshan Das: Anything else?

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: I will give you that empowerment.

Sankarshan Das: Anything else?

Srimati Vishnupriya Gurumataji: Just like in that Caitanya Charitra, during that Caitanya's time, those people who were taking and chanting Krishna consciousness and taking it seriously, Lord Caitanya will say, you go this way and spread Krishna consciousness, you go this way and they were able to do it. They were empowered. So, we have to become the empowered instrument in the hands of Lord Caitanya. Okay? First you have to do it for yourself first. Then you will know how much empowerment you can get.

Sankarshan Das: Prabhupada said youbecome guru and you deliver the whole world. So, we have a big assignment from Prabhupada. So, we will stop here. We thank everybody for tuning in

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

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